Tip #6 – Arrive Early at the DMV with Your Paperwork Use some of your morning free time to get a healthy breakfast in your system prior to taking the exam. Research shows that skipping breakfast lowers cognitive function and work efficiency, which could lead to a failing grade on your written permit test. Getting a healthy morning meal will help stimulate your mind muscles hours before going into your exam. If you’re able to fall asleep a bit earlier than usual, chances are you’ll probably wake a bit early as well. Make sure you get to bed early and at least 7.5 hours of sleep before your exam to ensure your body is sufficiently rested before taking the test. Without proper sleep, you’ll fail to retain much of the information you’ve spent hours studying for weeks. Multiple studies have found that sleep deprivation has an adversely negative effect on memory and other vital cognitive abilities. Many students search for the key towards passing the permit test, but one of the biggest secrets to success is simply getting a good night’s sleep the night before. Preparing for the Day of Permit Test Tip #4 – Get a Good Night’s Rest You can also download the Zutobi app on both Android and iOS devices. Join over 250,000 students using Zutobi each month to pass their exams! We provide a gamified experience, a summarized driver’s handbook, and online practice tests – studying for your permit test has never been easier. They provide an alternative way to grasp the subjects that can sometimes be monotonously explained in the driver’s handbook. Study guides and courses are two additional great ways to study for your upcoming driver’s permit test.